Gloria Jean's Hazelnut K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50)


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Gloria Jean's Hazelnut K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50) [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging] Review.

 "Great value and taste" 2009-06-24
By C. G. King (Horse Country, VA USA)

When you go through K-cups like I do, this large quantity purchase is perfect. Hazelnut is always a favorite and this particular brand holds up to a generous cup serving. Some brands get too watered down in a large mug, but this has body enough to take it. Since I store my K-cups in a drawer, it doesn't matter that the shipping box is a bare bones container. I just appreciate the value. All in all, it's a great way to buy K-cups in quantity. Highly recommended.

 "Love the new easy packaging!" 2009-06-29
By SB (PA)

Definitely the cheapest I've found K-cups for my Keurig. I don't need heavy extra packaging - I need cheap coffee!!! This flavor is nice and rich.

 "Gloria Jeans is one of our favorites." 2009-06-25
By Rachel G. (pa.)

Great way to buy k-cups - the box of 50 is perfect and affordable. As for taste - this is one of our favorite brands. The Diedrich columibia blend and coffee people donut shop are also excellent.

 "Office loves it" 2009-08-03
By T. Morley

We have been buying this coffee for the past 4 months and love it...especially now that we can get it at a lower price and free shipping....We like this flavor the best...

 "Superb flavor, excellent value, nice box!" 2009-09-24
By Chris Boylan (Astoria, NY USA)

I'm not really a fan of fruity flavored coffees like raspberry chocolate frappa-mocha-cina or french vanilla twist or what-have-you, but occasionally I do like a hint of hazelnut in my cup of joe, and Gloria Jean's Hazelnut K-Cups handily fill the bill. The hazelnut taste is fairly subtle, blending well with the rich flavor of the coffee. I've tested brewing on all 3 settings on our Keurig, and prefer the medium and large cup settings in terms of coffee strength.

Buying these on Amazon ends up cheaper than pretty much anywhere else (yes, even cheaper than Bed, Bath and Beyond with the coupons) and the frustration free packaging is great. Open up the box with your bare hands (no wasteful shrink wrap to throw away or hard plastic that needs to be cut with a knife), and fold the box up for recycling when you're finished.

This is my second time ordering this set from Amazon and it won't be my last. And writing about it reminded me how good it is so I've just gone and made myself another cup!

fat loss factor review