Monday, November 08, 2010

Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Raw Blue Agave, 44 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 2) Review. Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Blue Agave is a natural sweetener extracted from the core of the Blue Agave plant. Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar is perfect for everyone, including raw-food enthusiasts!. This amber nectar has a distinct and delicious flavor that genuinely enhances foods' natural sweetness. It is certified Organic and GMO-Free, and appropriate for vegan and plant-based diets. It is stable, non-crystallizing and quick dissolving....
"Amazing flavor!" 2009-04-30
By J. Stenulis (Raleigh, NC)
Anyone with or WITHOUT insulin issues should use this in place of table sugar or artificial sugars! It taste like a good maple syrup, with half the calories and a very low glycemic load. I use this in my hot tea, over fresh fruit, in baking recipes, etc. It has endless possibilities.
As for price, you cannot beat the price here on Amazon! I order this two pack for the price of 8 bottles at Whole Foods. Try a smaller bottle from WF and if you like it, come back here to Amazon to save BIG.
"Great for everyday use!" 2009-04-13
By Robert T. Greenawald
My wife and I have been using agave nectar in the place of sugar for over a year now and we absolutely love it. We typically use it in our coffee and tea, and it truly have a great flavor and is very sweet, which is great as it doesn't take very much to sweeten things...
I would recommend this to anyone who uses sugar and would like to try an alternative to table sugar.
"Fabulous taste and price!" 2009-06-29
By B. Center (San Francisco, CA USA)
Organic Raw Agave is usually way over priced. Since I use it almost exclusivity as a sweetener in my raw food prep, I found it price-challenging when buying it at my local markets. Then I found this offering on I get it auto-shipped each month, so I don't have to worry about running out. Now I pay a fraction of the price I used to pay. I did a taste comparison and it tastes exactly the sames as the pricier ones.
"Great Product" 2009-05-30
By Doulos Theou (United States)
Firstly, the product itself - good taste, excellent sweetener, easy to use. It is sort of expensive, so I only buy it on sale. I prefer honey for most sweetening applications, but the agave nectar is actually easier to use, as it is somewhat less viscous and dissolves more easily.
On another note, I have never had trouble with the packaging, which is often a problem with gooey liquid items from Amazon. There are seals under the bottle tops, plus shrink wrap over the tops, and the bottles also come shrinkwrapped together. As always, be careful in ordering liquid products through the mail. A rotting box of leaking goo is the bane of the delivery worker and an unwelcome addition to your doorstep.
Thirdly, this product comes in other sizes/packaging. I recommend exploring all options to get the best price, and consider Subscribe and Save as well. We can use regular shipments here at our house anyway, since we seldom use granulated sugar.
"A Wholesome, Healthy Sweetner" 2009-07-09
By Michael Rimar (Indianapolis, USA)
How sweet it is! Diabetics rejoice! This is a sweetner with us in mind. No more spiking, crashing, burning! Being raw and vegan make this additionally desirable and great for everybody! ENJOY!!!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers Review. Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers SZ1 66ct (Pack of 2)...
"Fantastic diapers" 2009-04-25
By L (Chicago, IL USA)
I bought these after they came out because my son (now 13 months) had just outgrown swaddlers 2-3 and I've been hating the cruisers we're using. These diapers are great, they have no smell and are really soft to the touch. We have had no leaks whatsoever, they are so absorbent. The tabs and back are very stretchy, much more than pampers which is the big difference in terms of fit in my opinion. My son is tall but has a small but and these diapers fit way better than the pampers did (even the swaddlers which i loved) They are definitely 'premium' diapers though. They are about 34 cents each verse pampers which are 25 cents but I calculated that to cost us about 140 a year total and for no leaks and my babies comfort I'm going to use these until we have a problem. I wish huggies would come out with a gigantic box though, like 200 count or something but since they are new I'm sure it won't happen for awhile. I like that they are chlorine free and reduced dye and will biodegrade more than most diapers but I am certainly not oblivious to the fact that they are still disposable. We can't do cloth for various reasons and I have tried ones like seventh generation and they caused huge rashes. These huggies in particular don't have the little sticky beads like that pampers had either
"Love these diapers" 2010-05-18
By J. Williams (Montpelier, VT)
These diapers are great, no leaking problems and all natural to boot! We've been using them since we brought our daughter home from the hospital and haven't really tried anything else. There was no need to. The little cut out for the umbilical cord was great too while she still had it. Kept it clean and dry, no problem.
"Best Diapers for size 3 and up" 2010-01-16
By Ethan (SF Bay Area)
We started with Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive and really liked them. However, when your baby gets to size 3, you can no longer get that diaper and have different needs (more flexibility, less padding, etc...). We bought a small pack of every diaper we could find in size 3 and tried them all on our baby. We liked these diapers the best. In fact, if we had known about them before, we might have sued them from newborn on. They are just great. They are so much softer than the rest of the size 3 diapers (closer to the swaddlers, but maybe even softer). For some reason the rest of the diapers at this point start using this rough plastic-type material on either side of the absorbent padding. We liked how absorbent these are as well. We also liked that there were less dyes and that our baby didn't get a rash after wearing them. Best of all, we liked how they fit and that our baby didn't have any blowouts (which we unfortunately did experience a couple times with some of the other diapers - 7th Generation being the worst blowout we had ever seen).
"Excellent" 2010-01-21
By K. Carreon (Arizona)
these diapers are every bit as dependable as the regular huggies brand diapers. My children have sensitive skin and they do not react to these diapers. you have to forget to change your poor kid for a LONG time to get the crystals that form on their skin when you do so forget. The price is great when you subscribe and save. once you figure out how many you need it is wonderful to have them delivered to your door without a thought!
They never leak for me even when my kids have loose stools. i have one tall skinny 2 year old and one very stocky 18mth old baby and they both wear a size 4 with no issues.
"Great fit and breathability" 2009-10-06
By Amy B.
I'm a first time mom, and someone who is very concerned for the environment, and any chemicals my baby may come in contact with. For these reasons, I decided to stock up on the chlorine-free 7th Generation diapers. Big mistake! My son got a terrible diaper rash that we just could not get rid of no matter what we tried. Then we switched to the Huggies Pure and Natural, and there was such a huge difference! The rash cleared up right away. I switched back the the 7th Generation at one point and the rash came right back. That's when i was convinced that it was the Huggies that made the difference, and not just a coincidence.
The Huggies also fit much better. They are very nicely contoured, and the NB size has the notch cut out for the umbilical cord, which means no unnecessary folding. Also, my son is now 2 months old, and, unlike with the 7th Gen, I have not yet had a single leak with the Huggies -- which, given some of the diapers that I have changed, seems like nothing short of a miracle *knock on wood* : )
As far as the environmental impact goes, yes the 7th Gen were chlorine-free, but they are not organic, meaning the cotton and other fibers they are made of are grown with environmentally damaging chemicals. Plus they have all the same fillers and chemicals as any other disposable. While the Huggies are not chlorine-free, they are made with organic cotton, so in the end, they both probably come out about the same.
If you are going to get these diapers (which I highly recommend that you do), I would advise that you look into the Amazon Subscribe and Save program. You save a bunch of money (15% off of Amazon's already low price), plus you get the convenience of having them delivered periodically. I find that it's really nice not having to worry about those just back from the store and realizing that I forgot to get diapers moments. : )
Monday, November 08, 2010

Timothy's World Coffee, Kahlua Original for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. KAHLÚA Original K-Cups combine the delicious notes of rum, vanilla and caramel, wrapped in roasted coffee flavor from hand-picked Arabica beans. Our individually packed Kahlúa Coffee K-Cups are master roasted using 100% Arabica beans chosen for their superior quality and unique characteristics, ensuring a rich, lively flavor....
"Kahlua Flavored K-Cup Coffee" 2009-11-11
By Rockster (Illinois)
I am having a lot of fun with my Keurig coffee brewer. There are som many flavors of K-cups out there that it is fun trying samples of all the flavors. This is a new flavor that I wanted to try. I have found a lot of the flavored coffees do not taste all that good and only a few brands have decent flavored coffee. What I like about this Kahlua flavor from Timothy's is that the flavoring is not overpowering and lets the taste of the coffee come through. It is very pleasant to me and the wife and a good change of pace from what we normally have in the pantry. This is one flavor I will try to keep in stock.
"Puzzled by the negative reviews" 2010-04-10
By G. Balmes (Washington)
Though this is my first K-Cup review, Let me establish my position and reasons I came to this conclusion. First, I am coffee wimp. I drink coffee only with half & half (fat free) and imitation sugar. Second, my B40 has not yet arrived so I used my Krups model 871 Espresso machine to brew my K-cup which, is not all that different than the brewing process of the Keurig machines. Third, I gave up drinking all drinks made up or including alcohol in 1988 due to health reasons but prior to that time I had drank White Russians and was very fond of them I just can't remember exactly what Kahlua tasted like except it was sweet and I enjoyed them. Forth, Wither one likes or dislikes one K-cup over another is purely subjective and I'm not criticizing those who wrote negative review. With that established, lets move on.
When I opened the Kahlua K-cup I noticed a distinct sweet aroma and also a dark roasted bean odor like one might experienced from a Starbucks coffee; so being from Seattle Washington I'm use to that.
I pealed off the lid of the K-cup and emptied it into the Krups filter basket. Tampered it down sightly like one would do for an espresso grind, measured about 8 ounces of water and poured that into the machine and then turned it on.
When the coffee started to drip into the carafe and some steam arose I wasn't sure wither to hold my breath or hold my nose. Much to my surprise I did notice an odor like from a dark roasted bean or from my espresso's I use to make, but nothing offensive. I was a bit perplexed; again I thought of the reviewers who had complained of an offensive odor emitting from their machines during the brewing process.
Upon completion of the brewing cycle, I poured the coffee in my large mug added the Half & Half until it reached a blond- Carmel like color (but not enough to over power the coffee) and the sweetener and took my first sip, with great anticipation. Not bad was my first impression. I actually enjoyed it. It had a sweet but not to sweet flavor and to my mind, a Carmel like flavor with a medium-dark roasted base of a regular coffee. No offensive taste or aroma others had written about and a pleasant after taste that lingered for some time after wards, not to strong nor acidic quite pleasant actually.
My conclusion? Perhaps the other reviewers had a bad batch or this particular flavor needs to be consumed with some cream or cream like dairy product and or a sweetener. Either way, I plan to continue on drinking this K-cup flavor for some time and can't wait till tomorrow to have my next cup.
When my B40 arrives and I have a different result with that machine I will add an update.
"Excellent choice for me" 2010-01-12
By Barcap (Central, NJ)
I was hesitant to choose this particular K-Cup since some of the reviews were less than appealing. However, I am glad that I did. Like many who gave it 5 stars, it has quickly become one of my favorites. Give it a try and make your own decision because I can see why some people love it.
"Good stuff with cream" 2009-11-17
By Richard Ohnsman (Meridian, ID USA)
I'm amazed at the negative reviews here as Timothy's Kaluha has become one of our favorite K-Cups. Both my wife and I drink our coffee with cream though, so maybe if you were just to drink it black you'd experience something different? The only beef I have with K-cups (and this is in general, not just the Kaluha) is that they brew a much smaller cup than I'd like. I almost always have to have at least two cups.
"New Favorite" 2009-11-27
By K. Bellis
Remembering the distinctive Kahlua taste, I wanted to try the Kahlua original coffee pods. It's pleasantly mild with no bitterness. I get a hint of the Kahlua taste more from the coffee's smell than its taste. It has become my favorite.
Monday, November 08, 2010

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Coffee, Colombia, 3-Count Packets (Pack of 6) Review. Starbucks VIA is made with ethically sourced, 100% arabica beans. The magic is in Starbucks proprietary process that they've spent years perfecting. Starbucks added microground coffee, preserving all of the essential oils and flavors -- no other coffee company takes this important step....
"Yum! Tastes like fresh-brewed Starbucks... hot or iced... so convenient" 2010-09-24
By SpayNeuterPlease (Colorado)
PIcked it up after tasting it in the store, and have been enjoying it all week. Cannot be any easier -- no cleaning the coffee machine anymore, yeaaaah! Hot water, dump it in, and mmmm.... and I normally HATE any instant coffee. This is unlike any instant I've tried, and really does taste as good as Starbucks in the store. The best part is that you don't need hot water... you can add cold water and ice for an awesome iced coffee. Am going to try the decaf bc I'm obviously drinking a lot more coffee now that I've discovered this.
"Quality taste" 2010-10-16
By Flying Platters (Idaho)
I am not an avid coffee fan but drink it on ocassion. I use half the packet and it is perfect for my palate. I buy VIA to have on hand for guests since I don't own a coffee maker. Worth the extra cost for quality taste.
"Starbucks VIA Colombia Packets" 2010-10-26
By P. Stubbs (McLean, TX United States)
This is very good, convenient coffee to make. I use only 1/2 of a packet with about 3/4 cup of water; because it is a little strong for me to use the whole packet. Try it - you will like it!
"This is not your Dad's instant coffee" 2010-10-26
By A Gamer at Heart (Agoura Hills, CA USA)
I lived on instant coffee all through college, and came to know its taste and texture all too well. Because of that, I was skeptical about Starbucks "instant" coffee. That skepticism was short lived though, after a friend gave me a small batch of Via packets as a gift. You pour it in the cup and add hot water, give it a little stir, and presto, you have real coffee, not "instant." I was very surprised. It tastes good, smells good, and feels good. It doesn't have that unpleasant, overly watery and grimy texture of the world's most famous instant coffee brand. I would rate Via at about 94% of the quality of a cup of traditional brewed coffee. I don't use it as a replacement for my brewed coffee, but if the coffee pot at work is empty and I need a quick pick-me up, Via is just the ticket. This could work just fine as a substitute for brewed coffee, but as long as I have a coffee pot, it is a bit cheaper than Via.
"not like instant" 2010-10-26
By Trudy H. (old saybrook, CT)
not bitter, robust. easy to carry with you, so you always have a GOOD cup of coffee available.
Monday, November 08, 2010
thinkThin Protein Bars, 2.1-Ounce Bars Review. ...
"Helped me lose 30 lbs!" 2009-05-23
By Natasha (Chicago, IL United States)
A year ago, I commited myself to losing weight. I discovered these bars at Costco (unfortunately, they no longer carry them). I eat one for breakfast every day. I also bring a bunch with me when I am travelling so I don't have to eat junk food on airplanes etc. These are so filling and so large compared to other bars. I love that they are also gluten-free. They do taste like a candy bar - that's the best part! I don't feel like I am dieting. This is my favorite flavor, although I also eat the Brownie Crunch to mix it up. You will not be disappointed! I've gotten many friends and coworkers to eat these too. Everyone loves them!
"Fantastic chocolate taste, filling protein bar!" 2009-08-06
By Elizabeth (Austin, TX)
Let me start by saying that I have a monstrous sweet tooth. I'm pretty sure I've tried every protein bar out there, and this is the best one I've had by far. This bar is filling, but most protein bars are filling. What Think Thin Chocolate Fudge accomplishes is truly remarkable. The chocolate actually tastes like chocolate and not some contrived chocolate-imposter. The texture is chewy and smooth at the same time. When I eat these, I don't just feel like I'm "making do", when really, I'd rather have a cookie.
"Excellent taste and fills you up" 2007-04-03
By J. Eccli (Santa Clara, CA)
I have eaten various protien bars on the market for well over 15 years. The ThinkThin Chunky Peanut Butter bars have the best taste, excellent texture and fill me up when I need it.
I highly recommend them. I buy them by the box and if I could find a place where I could buy them by the case with a bigger discount, I would.
"Addicted to these--but quality of stock varies" 2009-04-20
By R. Anguin (Brooklyn, NY)
I used to order these directly from Think Products and they were consistently chewy and fresh. Sometimes at health food stores they can be dry and tough and somewhat flavorless. The first Amazon order I got was dry, gross, and a total waste of money. I told Think Products and they never responded. The second order was excellent, tender, chocolatey, and chewy. The third order was not as fresh tasting. I love these bars and the fact that I can eat something that tastes like candy but is full of protein and has no sugar or questionable sugar substitutes, but the inconsistency of the batches is disconcerting. For the price, they should always be moist and fresh, not chalky.
"Outstanding!" 2007-05-13
By Joanna Smith
These bars are an excellent choice if you're trying to up your protein intake while watching your waistline. They are by far the best tasting when considering calories, fat, and protein content.
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix, Gluten-Free, 16-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 3) Review. A trusted family favorite has now gone gluten-free! Now you can make all the delicious treats you’ve been missing -- pancakes, waffles, biscuits, pie crust, shortcakes, dumplings, pizza crust and more. The possibilities with gluten-free Bisquick are almost endless!...
"Best Tasting that we've ever had: Gluten-Free Bisquick" 2010-09-19
By Stephanie L. Sanders
Our family has been wheat-free for 3 years and gluten-free for 1 1/2 so we've tried just about every mix out there. I just found that Bisquick has a GF mix while in the grocery store and decided to give it a try. This is DEFINITELY the best mix that we have ever tasted: smooth, not grainy. I don't know that side-by-side with regular wheat pancakes that you would notice the difference!
"great" 2010-09-23
By Thomas Viloria
I usually make my own gluten free stuff from scratch and I love it, but the days when i feel lazy i feel like using a mix, and this one has to be the best one yet. Their mix tastes closely like the real (wheat) thing. I have made the pancakes, waffles, oven baked chicken, and strawberry shortcakes... absolutely delicious
"Finally, a tasty GF baking mix" 2010-10-12
By Toni Dainty (burlington, vt)
I have been GF for the past year and have tried all sorts of flour alternatives. This one is certainly the best, and the best part about it, is you can substitute it for any creation that calls for original bisquick. The best so far is the waffles that you can make following the directions on the back. I will be ordering again!! My only complaint is that the boxes are small compared to the other boxes of bisquick available on the shelves.
"great gluten free dairy free option to make lots of yummy food!" 2010-10-31
By stayathomemami (Sunny Florida)
We LOVE the new gluten free Bisquick! I used to for cheddar biscuits mostly until we found out that we had a milk protein intolerance. Now, we are using this to make so many more recipes because it is dairy free and from what I can tell allergen free. The only thing I would like better (General Mills-if you are listening-I know I am not the only one that wants this) is if it came in bulk packaging. Just put the GF Bisquick in a larger box like the regular Bisquick and then sell in a 3 or 6 pack. Just mark that this review was helpful if you agree and maybe GM will listen! LOVE THIS-ORDER NOW!!
"Oh MY!" 2010-10-15
By P. Newcomb (Southern California)
This is excellent. This is the best GF mix I've yet to try in over five years of trying it all. It's not grainy, none of that rice grainy thing going on AT ALL. The texture of everything I've used it for has been excellent. This is a winner. The price is a bummer, but the product is amazing.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Annie's Homegrown Berry Patch Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks, 5-Count Pouches (Pack of 4) Review. Organic Berry patch bunny fruit snacks are a delicious mix of strawberry, cherry and raspberry flavored bunnies. Certified organic, these bunny-shaped fruit snacks are made with real fruit juice and packed with 100% daily value of vitamin C....
"A spectacular alternative to other "fruit" snacks" 2009-09-09
By Bookphile (USA)
My family first became hooked on Annie's products when we tried the delicious mac and cheese. I've been on something of a crusade to eliminate high fructose corn syrup from our diets, as well as unsavory chemical preservatives. My five-year-old has always been a big fan of fruit snacks but I normally hate giving them to her as they are no healthier than candy.
While I won't claim that these are 100% healthy, I can say that they are completely free of all the artificial and highly processed junk that goes into their cheaper counterparts. Yes, they are pricier than other "fruit" snacks on the market but the higher price tag on these comes along with higher quality. I'm more than willing to shell out the extra cash if it means that my daughter will be ingesting fewer chemicals and less corn syrup.
What's more, my daughter not only loves the taste of these, I do as well. Other brands have a very artificial too-sweet flavor while these taste like real fruit juice. I was surprised at how good they are as I normally avoid fruit snacks because of the taste. I also like the texture of these. They are chewy but smoother and will dissolve in your mouth if you suck on them. They don't have that weird hardness or lumpy sort of quality that other fruit snacks do.
"Great for kids with allergies" 2010-03-11
By Angela (California)
I bought these for my 3 year old who has allergies (egg, peanut). I have bought other brands of gummy snacks in the past and she has not liked them. These though are great. They are nice and soft, so they can be eaten by my 1 1/2 year old as well. Organic, no HFCS, and a better alternative to other brands available. They are a bit pricey and there are not many fruit snacks in each pouch, but it's the price we pay for organic and healthier snacks.
"My allergy prone Grandson loved them" 2009-09-13
By Jackie D. Pierce (Seattle, WA United States)
My 16 month old grandson is allergic to everything under the sun (wheat,milk,soy,peanuts...) He enjoys these fruit snacks and has no allergic reaction at all.
"Great snack" 2010-03-30
By S. Kozakiewicz (Suffern, NY)
My boys love these and I feel better about giving them something not full of artificial ingredients - only problem is they go too quick!
"We Love the Bunnies!" 2010-04-05
By Katherine Ortiz (Fortuna, CA USA)
These bunnies are my daughter's favorite special treat. They taste good and don't contain a lot of filler ingredients. Annie's has good quality products and this is no exception. We've tried all the flavors and think the berry is the best.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Similac Advance Early Shield Infant Formula with Iron, Ready to Feed Review. ...
"Good For Babies Not Wanting Formula" 2009-05-11
By J. Perry (Napa, CA)
We tried feeding our baby Enfamil when he first switched to formula, but he hated the taste and refused it. Our friend told us that Similac was the best formula that compared to the taste of breastmilk. She actually bought various formulas and did a taste test. Our baby loves this formula and is thriving on it. Some people have said the powder is hard to mix, but we have not had any problems. We have found that room temp bottled water mixes the best.
"Expensive but easy" 2009-08-16
By JMW (Fairrax, VA United States)
I use this to feed my daughter. Its expensive, but I don't have to worry about mixing or finding water that I want to use. I also looked on some sites ([....]) and it says this doesn't contain BPA (in the packaging). Most other formulas do.
"only formula we use" 2009-09-06
By Melinda Pierce (tehachapi, Ca)
I absolutely love this formula. My son really enjoys it and I love that it is ready to feed for those night time bottles.
"Close to breastmilk and no worry & save money" 2010-02-12
By Cara Richards (Teaxs)
I like this ready to use, beacuse not sure of the water and formla mix, especially if traveling.
"Great Buy Heavy to Bring Home" 2010-04-03
By Lori O'Brien
Great formula my grandson has been on this since his mother had to stop breastfeeding. He seems to think it is just as good and is growing very fast. He has gained 13 pounds since he began drinking this and he is not chubby. He is very tall. Better to have delivered than to buy at store and have to haul it home. Too heavy for a grandma.