Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food, 3-Flavor Seafood Variety Pack, 3-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24) Review. ...
"Fancy Feast a GREAT DEAL Here on Amazon!" 2009-09-10
By TaiPan
This is a direct response to the misleading, non-sensical review that starts with the headline: "No Bargain":
First off, the "No Bargain" review is EXTREMELY MISLEADING.
Here's the two things the reviewer got right: 1) If you DO have the Fancy Feast cases delivered regularly via Amazon's "Subscribe & Save"-- you pay $14.02 a case. 2) If you buy 24 cans at Petsmart (at 53 cents per can) you pay $12.72 for a case.
If you buy your case at Petsmart (in CA-- specifically in Los Angeles where I live)-- YOU HAVE TO PAY SALES TAX... Adding as much as $1.24 to the total cost of a case.
Now the Petsmart case costs $13.96. Since we've agreed that the Amazon case purchased via Amazon's "Subscribe & Save" costs $14.02... That means there is only a SIX CENT DIFFERENCE PER CASE between Amazon's price and California Petsmart and Walmart prices.
Plus, you also have to PAY FOR GAS if you go to Petsmart or Walmart. Plus, the extra travel time to and fro. Plus, you have to drag all that cat food to your car from the store and then drag it from your car to your house.
If folks follow your thinking-- they'll spend A LOT MORE MONEY for their cat food!
Think it through! Fancy Feast is a PERFECTLY FINE DEAL HERE!
"Can't complain-- my cat loves it!" 2009-09-03
By The bug
I love the convenience of subscribing to things through and was very happy to find this online.
My cat goes crazy for this stuff!
"The only food my aging cat will eat" 2010-04-06
By Dwight Anderson (Detroit,Mi USA)
My 16 year old cat had been on dry food since I adopted her from the shelter 13 years ago. A couple of years or so ago she became very finicky and refused her regular brand. I then switched her to an 'all natuaral' version by the same maker. She did fine on that for awhile then out of the blue she'd have nothing more to do with it. I decided to give wet food a go. As she's becoming more&more picky in her golden years that was a hit&miss ordeal. Seems as fast as I'd stock up on her favorite variety of a brand she'd decide she didn't want it anymore. Every other day I'd have to trek out to the store(in the harsh Michigan winter no less)to find something to feed her. I finally decided to pick up a few cans of Fancy Feast at CVS. I had steered clear of FF because of the high price of those tiny cans. Since I was desperate to get food into kitty I caved. I bought every different variety my local CVS had on the shelf. She didn't want the flaked variety. She wouldn't touch the shredded meals. She loved the food in the gravy,actually she only loved the gravy. Finally I opened up a can of the Salmon and prayed for the best. To my relief she inhaled every bit of it and meowed for more. I moved on to the Cod,Shrimp,&Salmon and got the same positive response. She flipped over the Ocean Whitefish flavor.
Hallelulah! I'd hit paydirt!!
I don't have a car at present and the trips to the store in a quest to find these 3 flavors of Fancy Feast got tiresome. I decided to use Amazon's Subscribe&Save option. What a life saver that is. I placed the order and received kitty's food in a couple a days. The next month I got an email saying the order was shipping and it arrived a few days later. The service is convienent and the price I pay through Amazon is a few dollars less than I was paying per case at the store,not to mention I didn't have to trek off to the store and haul the food home. It came right to my door without fail.
The one problem I ran into is my dear feline friend decided she no longer cares for the Ocean Whitefish or Cod/Shrimp/Salmon flavor. The stray cats outside can't thank her enough for her pickiness lol.
She still loves the Salmon flavor and the Salmon&Shrimp feast. Sadly Amazon doesn't offer the latter on the Subscibe&Save plan so I had to cancel my order here and order through Petco. Petco costs a little more but as we cat owners know we have to do what the 'boss' tells us to do ;)
"Misty LUVS Fancy Feast Gourmet" 2009-11-15
By E. Gallagher
Misty is about 1 1/2 years old and came from a large family. As usual with cats, Misty is very picky. Since I started her on Fancy Feast Gourmet she would rather go hungry than eat anything else. And sometimes she won't eat her dry food!!! There was one time when she went a day and a half without eating ANYTHING!!!! I had put another popular food in her bowl but it just sat there while she meowed at me. Dumb me!!! She is my angel as well as my pet. She woke me up one time when I stopped breathing - she literally crawled all over me. She isn't beautiful except to me - she has gray fur all over except for one hand-sized white round spot on her tummy. It is worth it to me to give her the best.
"24 cans of fancy feast cat food" 2009-03-31
By Judy H. Wolk (Bedminster, New Jersey USA)
Considering I would have to drive to Costco to get almost the same item, it was great ordering it without shipping charges. This will be my new way of feeding my cat.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pamela's Products Wheat-Free & Gluten-Free Bread Mix, 19-Ounce Packages (Pack of 6) Review. This mix makes a large loaf of soft, delicious bread. The aroma fills your kitchen as your bread bakes up golden brown. They are easy to make, quick and versatile, serve with all your meals. This amazing, great tasting bread stays soft for days. Also, makes great...
"Great bread...even better pizza crust!" 2007-02-19
By B. Wilkinson (US AFB)
We've been using this bread mix for about a year, as it's the best gluten-free bread mix I've found. I usually make the sweet bread and it's very good, although it would make a great savory bread with herbs as well. I didn't even think to try to make pizza crust with it, as we were using a mix specifically for pizza crust from another popular gluten-free brand, which I didn't really like (too light and thick like a deep dish, but without flavor). I just tried Pamela's bread mix for pizza crust and it was amazing. Not too thick and a bit chewy just like "real" pizza crust. I did add the italian spices which are optional but suggested in the directions, and it was wonderful. The first decent pizza we've had since we've been gluten-free!
"It does make an AMAZING bread !!!" 2006-08-28
By ArikMom
This past December my 7-year old son was diagnosed with allergic to wheat. This is a little guy that LOVES bread !!! He is also allergic to dairy. So, I searched and tried many kinds of wheat free bread mix/recipes and he might eat 2 bites and then stopped with sad face or he would cry. He said "it's yucky, grainy, tasted bad...". I often hid my tears, 'cause I knew I needed to be strong for him. Once I even ordered a bread from a bakery chef, $6.50/loaf, and my son took one bite and that's it!
Then in June I checked out Amazon, and found this product. The review said it's moist and not grainy, and I was so desperate, so I ordered a box of 6! That ended my search!!
When I put the 1st loaf on the dining table, my son could not stop eating it (and of course, I cried secretly in the kitchen!). I also ordered the cake mix, and chocolate chip cookies mix. I can't express how thankful I am to see my son's bright eyes as he enjoys his bread. By the way, I like it too. Thank you to the people that make Pamela's Products !!!!
"Yay Bread!" 2007-04-16
By Dave (USA)
I discovered that I was gluten-intolerant about a year ago and have been looking for good-tasting wheat-free products ever since. My primary roadblock has been bread - every single loaf of gluten-free bread I've tried has been beyond disgusting. I've been to health food store after health food store and haven't found a single loaf that I can eat without gagging. I thought it was hopeless until I read the reviews of Pamela's Amazing Wheat-Free Bread Mix. I decided to give it a shot, so I borrowed my sister-in-law's bread machine and fired up a loaf.
Simply put, I was amazed at the results. Does it taste like regular bread? No. Well, almost. Is it light-years beyond any other gluten-free breads? A hearty, resounding YES! If you've eaten other gluten-free (GF) breads before, let me give you a comparison: it holds up better than pre-made GF bread, but it still feels like it could fall apart easily. Putting a slice in the toaster helps with that. It's a little on the chewy side. It tastes like it doesn't have any salt in it, so adding some butter really helps. It kind of looks like banana bread, if I were to compare textures. Make sure to have some milk on-hand because it makes you pretty thirsty when you eat it!
I would say this is 90% - 95% as good as "real" bread. Thank goodness, my search for wheat-free bread is over! And Amazon sells it for nearly half the price as my local health food stores! If you're the only gluten-intolerant or Celiac in your family, I would recommend picking up a bread machine. It makes one loaf automatically. All I did was to follow the direction on the package and the loaf came out perfectly. It was as simple as dumping the ingredients in the machine, making sure the settings were right, and hitting the "On" button. So easy, even a caveman could do it! I put the bread machine to work at about 9pm at night and woke up the next morning to freshly-baked GLUTEN-FREE bread. EDIBLE bread. Awesome! I used a older Zojirushi machine, but some of the newer models like from Breadman actually have a Gluten-Free setting on them. There is hope for decent-tasting bread for us gluten-intolerant people! THANK YOU Pamela's Products!!
"An excellent GF bread mix" 2007-08-11
By C. Anderson (Bowie, MD)
Gluten free bread mixes are often disappointing. They come out too dry, don't have a good flavor, fall apart when used for sandwiches. But Pamela's Bread Mix tastes good, has a good texture, and doesn't have to be toasted to be enjoyed. It makes great sandwiches, and the several variations offered on the bag make for a nice variety of breads. My husband especially favors the cinnamon bread for breakfast. As a sandwich bread he really enjoys the plain bread recipe with about 1/3 cup of added sesame seeds in the batter and extra sprinkled on top. Since we found this mix we have stopped experimenting with the various GF recipes we have collected. It does it all and is easy to make.
"Pamela's Wheat -Free Amazing Bread mix" 2007-05-07
By Anonymous (USA)
This makes unusually good bread that is bendable and chewy and a hint of sweetness probaby from the sorghum grain they use. It makes really good, "normal" pizza crust and flatbread too. My favorite GF mix. Also dairy free.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Diedrich Coffee Morning Edition K-Cups, 50-Count Review. now offers you the same consistently flavorful K-Cup coffee from Diedrich Coffee, Inc. in a single 50-count package. This new package is optimized for our customers through the reduction of packaging waste and is available at a lower price than before. This same packaging is also available to you on K-cups by Diedrich Coffee, Coffee People, and Gloria Jean's Coffee, so go ahead and explore all the great K-Cup varieties. Certified Frustration-Free Packaging has certified this product's packaging is Frustration-Free. A Frustration-Free Package is easy-to-open and comes without excess packaging materials such as hard plastic "clamshell" casings, plastic bindings, and wire ties. It is exactly the same as a traditionally packaged product--we've just streamlined the packaging to be opened without the use of a box cutter or knife and will protect your product just as well as traditional packaging during shipping. Products with Frustration-Free Packaging can frequently b...
"Really a delicious coffee!" 2010-08-14
By Laura
This is my favorite of the morning blends, I have tried. Very tasty and flavorful.
"Great coffee... Cheaper in bulk" 2010-07-19
By Mitch (Tampa, FL)
Rating coffee is completely an individual taste thing, but if you like a somewhat bolder (not bitter) brew you might give it a try. As for the packaging, the larger box is a hassle to stash away in a cabinet... but I do like being able to buy 50 at a time for about a dime less per cup. We're on our 10th box or so and we've never had a problem with damage. Though, that may just be a testament to my UPS guy.
"Morning Edition K-Cup" 2010-09-06
By Memiki (Minnesota, USA)
This is the first K-cup I have every morning. It is just the thing to start with.Diedrich Coffee Morning Edition K-Cups, 50-Count
"K-Cups Coffee" 2010-10-09
By S. Wright
Good "morning blend" coffee, of course what is good is going to be subjective to your tastes. But I'm giving the five stars mostly because I really like the frustration free shipping option. Just a box and my coffee. Nice.
"Great. Love it." 2010-09-28
By Wilma Low (Wellborn, FL, US)
I love the coffee, it is not bitter and is great to wake up with.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cheerios Cereal, 14-Ounce Box (Pack of 4) Review. Cheerios Cereal is an excellent source of folic acid and a good source of fiber. Its wholesome goodness is perfect for toddlers to adults and everyone in between. Made from whole grain oats, Cheerios has no artificial colors or flavors. Those wholesome little O's have only one gram of sugar. They're low in fat, have no saturated fat and are naturally cholesterol free....
"Cheerios are still the best cereal!" 2010-02-26
When it comes to breakfast cereal, I can't think of any type that I enjoy more than Cheerios. They have a delicious taste, I never seem to get tired of eating them, and best of all, they are fairly healthy as well. The crunchy, slightly powdery taste of Cheerios has a certain quality that can't be described except to say it is delicious, and when one looks at the vast array of sugar-overload cereals available now, Cheerios remain a steadfastly healthy way to start a day. Healthy for your heart, your diet, your well-being; what more can you ask? Also, they make a great snack at any time of the day. There's not much to diss about Cheerios- there's a reason they've been around for almost 70 years.
"MY FAVORITE." 2009-12-22
By D. Blankenship (The Ozarks)
Cheerios are the first breakfast cereal I can remember eating. Other than Grapenuts, it is the only one I still eat. As my memory of these go back to just after the war (WWII) that is a lot of Cheerios over the years. This is one of the few products that I know of that they have not messed around with and as far as I can tell, they taste the same to day as they did when I had my first bowl.
These things are cholesterol free with no saturated fats. There are no added colorings or flavor. They are just about perfect as such things go. In addition to being a breakfast staple, they are also almost always my "going to bed snack"...a habit I have had for years.
These are also one of my favorite munching foods. When reading I normally have a box next to my reading chair which to be honest, beats the heck out of pork rinds, potato chips or Moon Pies. The dogs seem to enjoy them as much as I do. I also do a lot of traveling via automobile and I always have a box or two of these with me to eat right out of the box. They tend to keep me from turning into every fast food place I encounter and they are great for keeping you awake during long trips, in particular at night.
These are a wonderful and traditional cereal and I do hope they stay around for a long, long time.
Don Blankenship
The Ozarks
"Great as always" 2009-04-21
By Matti's Mom (Atlanta, GA)
This is exactly what a mom wants: easy to prepare, fortified with vitamins, great taste and delivered to your door. My husband likes it because it's good for watching his cholesterol, my eldest likes the taste, the 8 month old likes the ease with which he can eat them, and I like convenience of a ready-made-nutritios meal. Everyone wins.
"Simple way to make sure you have something for your bowl." 2009-09-29
By Andrew Gray (Dundee, OR USA)
I'm not sure a review of Cheerios would be useful here - one of the most basic of cereals, it's a staple in our house. But by putting it on subscription, I make sure there's always a healthy breakfast food for myself and my family. So here's pantry staples and Amazon Grocery subscriptions - a great combo!
"Classically delicious!" 2009-10-29
By J. Arena (Williamsburg, VA)
What is there to say about Cheerios that hasn't already been written?
They are yummy, crunchy, delicious, work great with bananas, totally amazing with chocolate milk, etc.... Yup! They are just about perfect.
What could make them any better? Well, how about having them almost magically appear at your door? So, if you consider magical (Ohhh... and who doesn't?) here's your answer. Have the perfect cereal delivered by Amazon, and crunch happily away forever after.
You're on your own for the bananas!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Timothy's World Coffee, Colombian Decaffeinated for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. Timothy's World Coffee Colombian Decaffeinated is a pure Colombian and caffeine free coffee that retains most of its original coffee character. A delicious coffee for those that are watching their caffeine intake....
"Good Coffee Good Price No Waste" 2008-11-22
By Dr. Albert Alba
Timothy's Colombian Decaffeinated is a good tasting coffee for a good price. The savings are even better if you sign up for the auto renew program. Also, we have found that you can use each cup twice. Therefore it's like getting twice the quantity for the money. I checked with the Keurig company and they said by processing the cups for two cups of coffee or tea will not hurt the machine.
Best, Al
"Smooth is best" 2008-11-30
By L. Petrie (Portland, OR USA)
I am becoming a real fan of the Timothy's products. This Colombian decaf is flavorful and very smooth and it does not become weak at the 7 oz setting. There is no bitterness. You would never know that it was decaf.
"Timothy's Decaffeninated Colombian" 2008-11-16
By Jacqueline Corser (Detroit, Michigan)
I love this brand of coffee for my Keruig Brewer--any of their choices are great!
"Timothys World coffee" 2008-11-26
By T. Cecchino (Deer Park, NY)
Excellent product full flavor decaf ordered and shipped superfast. Great buying experience and would order this again.
"Coffee" 2008-11-19
By T. Tuttle (Sunny Florida)
Best Decaf out there.Timothy's World Coffee, Colombian, Decaffeinated, K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count Boxes (Pack of 2)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gloria Jean's Coffees, Butter Toffee for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. Flavor your mornings with this Keurig K-Cup Gloria Jeans Butter Toffee Coffee. Coffee is the singular passion at Gloria Jeans. They painstakingly select Arabica beans from only the most discriminating sources, with whom they share a commitment to bring you the highest quality coffee in the world. From bean to cup, nothing is compromised, making Gloria Jeans coffee the very finest you can buy....
"our new favorite" 2008-10-28
By Michael McGarghan (VT)
My wife and I have tried several choices of flavored coffees and this one seems to be the favorite of not only our family, but several of our guests that have tried it rate it very well also. Nice bargin from Amazon compared the 18 cup packages sold locally at the grocery store and usually this flavor is not available so if it wasn't for Amazon, we might not have had the opportunity to buy and try.
"Coffee Delicious!" 2009-02-08
By Judith Mallory (Caledonia, MI USA)
If you like coffe with a smooth taste and not the bite, this is for you. If you like to chew your coffee, and want it thick and dense, don't buy this. This coffee has smooth relaxing taste.
"Great coffee flavor!" 2009-05-05
By Debra D. Waggoner (usa)
I ordered this coffee with the auto-send feature because it is so good. I usually mix it with sugar free hot chocolate and skim milk and make a mocha of sorts with it. All of the Gloria Jean coffee that I have purchased have been delicious.
"Tastes good, smells great!" 2008-10-27
By Stefanie (Washington, DC)
This is good flavored coffee for a Keurig brewer. I have tried several different Gloria Jean's, Timothy's and Green Mountain coffee flavors for the Keurig and this is probably the best one I've had. Whenever I make it for myself at work, at least 2 or 3 people comment on how good it smells and want to know what it is.
"Butter Toffee coffee - good stuff" 2009-07-25
By C. Bayne (Phoenix, AZ United States)
We just invested in a Keurig coffee maker, and this is one of the coffee flavors we purchased. I'm really glad we did because this is really good. You can taste the butter toffee flavor, but it's not overwhelming. This isn't too bitter. It's worth the price, especially if you subscribe to it.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Diedrich Coffee Variety Pack of Medium, Full and Dark Roasts for Keurig Brewers, 22-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. This variety pack offers 5 K-Cups of Columbia and French Roast, and 6 K-Cups of Sumatra and Morning Edition....
"Excellent Variety" 2007-08-06
By Robin M. Lee (Bay Area, CA)
I purchase variety packages for our work coffee mess - this is one of my personal favorites. Has all the major popular blends; Sumatra, Columbian, French Roast, House Paradiso & a Columbian Decaf. These are all excellent blends all packaged together - you can't go wrong with this one.
"Good variety and great taste" 2007-01-18
By J. Villeneuve (Newtown, CT USA)
The Diedrich K-Cups are a good option to get a little variety in your coffee routine without paying for 5 different 25-count boxes. The variety in "boldness" allows you to select the coffee you are in the mood for. Having decaf around is always nice for an evening cup (Bailey's anyone?).
I found most to be a little weak with the "travel mug" setting on the B60. They are all full and rich with the 7.25oz mug setting.
I'm going five stars because of the variety. I wasn't a huge fan of the Sumatra, but my wife liked it. So you get variety and marital harmony in one box!
"great bunch of coffees!" 2007-03-22
By E. Young (CA)
This was the best group I've bought so far ...all of the flavors are unique and smooth ...I especially liked the decaf choice for when I want to have a cup in the evening. In fact, I logged on today to puchase this item again.
"Variety Box o' coffee" 2007-04-10
By Mrs.Dee (Massachusetts, USA)
They're all great. nice and strong, very tasty. I'd definitely order this again.
"5 stars are not enough" 2007-05-07
By C. E. WITHEY (Jersey Shore, PA United States)
I love this coffee. It has something for everyone in it and it is not flavored. I love this sample pack!!
Monday, October 25, 2010

Tully's Coffee Kona Blend for Keurig Brewers, Extra-Bold, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. Our medium-bodied Kona Blend boasts incredible smoothness and a distinct floral aroma reminiscent of the island itself....
"Wonderful!!!" 2007-09-22
By Tiziana Ruff (Arizona)
Since we started using the Keurig coffee machine, we have tried all of the coffee on the market including making our own mixture. We are coffee drinkers. We have in our home a professional cappuccino machine, I mean the huge one you would find in a coffee shop or Italian cafe'. We decided that Tully's is the flavor for us, rich, strong and beautiful (every woma's dream huh?) Kidding aside it is a very good coffe. Our favorite is still Kona.
"Tully's Coffee Kona Great" 2009-01-06
I have been enjoying the Kona blend from Tully's for the past year. It is in my opinion the best cup for the money.
"DELICIOUS!!!" 2008-03-19
By lucysnow (Seattle, WA)
I've tried a lot of K Cup Coffee and this was my absolute favorite, it had a delicious medium flavor to the beans, I was instantly addicted. Very tasty! I highly recommend this!
"GREAT" 2010-05-28
By sharall58 (FLORIDA)
I love this coffee, compared to the others and I've tried quite few this is the best. Maybe I'm a medium roast person and didn't know it but this is really good, smells good, taste good and the price is right too.
"Great medium roast." 2009-04-27
By Lori Sulli (Chicago, IL)
Tully's is my favorite K-cup brand and this Kona blend is a great medium roast. Is it going to be as good as fresh ground and brewed Kona? Maybe not, but most of these K-cups aren't going to match that experience. This Kona K-cup is going to give a very good cup of coffee and you can't beat the price.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Nature babycare Eco-Sensitive Fragrance-Free Wipes, 70-count Boxes (Pack of 10) Review. Nature babycare Eco Sensitive Fragrance-Free 70ct Wipes, Case of 10 (700 Wipes)...
"Nature Babycare ROCKS!" 2010-07-07
By EcoMommy (Wine Country, USA)
I know there are a lot of complaints about the new packaging, but I don't think it is a question of the company trying to save money or skimp on the product by cutting down the size of the wipes and the package-- I think they downsized because it makes much less waste and they are an environmentally friendly product. If you feel that the wipes clump together when you take them out of the package, the solution is to take the number of wipes you need for your baby out of the package BEFORE you start the diaper change (then put the ones you need back in the package or in your diaper bag portable wipe case). That way you aren't pulling out a bunch of wipes... It makes it a lot easier to have everything ready before the diaper change, regardless. I've never had a problem with that, and I have never used more wipes than necessary. This product is amazing, and truly the only company for baby care products right now that is almost 100% green (no company is truly 100%, but this one is the closest in this product category). I would buy all their products regardless for that reason alone... But as it is, not only do I love them for that-- every single one of their products are also AWESOME!!! My child has never gotten a diaper rash with Nature Babycare, because I know that the wipes (and diapers) are great for his skin and are all-natural. Other diapers and wipes I have used in the past before I found these, *always* caused problems with rashes/irritation, etc. (Yes, Seventh Generation and Earth's Best-- including you!) Also, the companies I just mentioned are NOT as "Eco-Friendly" as they profess to be-- the products are not made with biodegradable materials. Read the labels and packaging, and find out more about so-called "green" companies in general (often they aren't everything they profess to be). They may be better than your average non-green products, but that doesn't mean that they are as green as they could be. Remember that when you shop. The bottom line is selling the product... Marketing doesn't always tell the whole story! If you care about your precious little one/s along with our planet-- AND don't want to feel as awful about the bags and bags and bags (and bags and bags and bags!) of diapers you throw in to our landfills each year, Nature Babycare is the best!
"Great wipes" 2010-09-20
By JudiAU (Los Angeles)
The most natural disposable wipe I can find. We use cloth mostly but like to have something for on the go. One of the few wipes that is compostable/biodegradable so at least it isn't petroleum/rayon (not) rotting in the ground for 300 years. Most of the other "natural" wipes that are chlorine-free aren't actually compostable/biodegradble (Earth's Best, 7th Generation)
Unscented. Stinky wipes make diaper changes worse.
"great wipes" 2010-04-14
By A. T. Mouloua
good wipes - not too wet. better than the Costco wipes - they irritated my baby's skin.
I didn't buy them because they are "green" but it's a nice feature.
"The only wipes I use on my child's sensitive bottom" 2010-08-06
By Satin 25 (Connecticut)
My 2 year old gets diaper rashes easily and this is the only wipe I use on his sensitive bottom. Very light, not heavy and soapy like other wipes. It's a great product...and it's green!
"Great Eco Product and Great Price" 2010-10-23
By JulieNV (Pasadena, CA USA)
We bought these when they used to have them at Target for our first baby, but Costco wipes were cheaper. With a new baby on the way, I found that the Amazon Mom's subscription price is great. Now I can save money and not feel guilty about using disposable wipes. The wipes are smaller, but pretty moist. Sometimes, more than one wipe comes out when you pull it out of the package in a rush. But, like someone else said, it's a good idea to pull out the wipes you need before you start changing baby.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother's Milk Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6) Review. Organic Mother's Milk® promotes healthy lactation* and is traditionally used to increase breastmilk production.* This traditional combination of anise, fennel and coriander has been used for centuries by European women, often recommended by lactation counselors and medical herbalists. Organic Mother's Milk® is a pleasantly aromatic balance of sweet, spicy and slightly bitter....
"It works!" 2008-03-07
By E. Brooks (Williamsburg, VA (USA))
This is my second child, and I didn't produce well for the first one, so I'd pretty much resigned myself to minimal milk production and the theory that anything was better than nothing. I was pumping at work three times a day and taking home about 9 ounces of milk total (and at that, it's more than I'd managed with the first child) when I caught a cold, and my production started to dwindle again, even though I wasn't taking any drugs. Frustrated but unwilling to wean my baby at only 2 months old, I started taking this tea in the hope that it would at least sustain my current level of production. Because it's a little on the expensive side (I was buying it locally at the full retail price) I only drank 3 cups a day. (It recommends 3-5.)
A week later, with my cold only just starting to clear up, I was taking home almost 12 ounces of milk. Another week and a half later, I'm catching another cold (the downside of having 2 kids in daycare...) but I'm taking home a solid 14-15 ounces of milk every day. This tea is the ONLY THING I have done differently -- no other supplements or dietary changes, no changes in feeding or pumping schedules -- so I know for sure it's the tea that's doing it!
I don't know where its effectiveness will level out, or if my production will continue to stay elevated if I stop drinking the tea, but at this point, I'm just thrilled with the short term results!
"More Milk!" 2009-10-30
By lrene (Bellingham, WA)
I returned to work when my little guy was 3 months old and by 5 months I had used ALL my freezer stash. My baby had only had breastmilk but I couldn't keep up with what they fed him at daycare.
He eats 16oz while I am at work. I was pumping 3-4 times at work for 20 minutes at a time and only getting 2 1/2 oz per session. I was so frustrated and exhausted! I tried everything: more water, more frequent pumping sessions, more frequent nursing while with the baby, I even took a nursing weekend where all I did was nurse and pump and rest but I still couldn't get more than 3 oz per pumping session.
I started with 5 cups of tea per day. I don't like the smell or flavor of black licorice so I was worried that I would have to gag this tea isn't pleasant but it is tolerable. I can even drink it without adding sugar, honey, or milk but it will never be a drink I like or want.
Day one I really didn't see any change at all.
Day two I pumped 3 times and got 11 oz which was the most I had gotten at work in weeks.
Day three I pumped 3 times at work and each time I got 5 oz or more. I ended the day with 17 oz and was thrilled! That evening I nursed my son when we got home but could tell I wasn't empty so I pumped right after nursing and got another 2oz. That night I leaked through the night and had to change my I don't drink any tea after 6 pm.
I've been using the tea for only ten days now and have started a new freezer stash that is currently at 20 oz. The peace of mind is great, knowing I have extra. I am consistently pumping 5oz per session and getting the extra 2-3oz after my nursing session with my son at 5:30 and sometimes I pump at 8 p.m. after nursing and get another 2-3 oz. As an added bonus, my little guy was still waking every two hours until I started drinking this tea. The past three nights he has slept 4 hours at a time.
"Tasty Tea that Works!" 2008-12-04
By Katherine A. Carlson
Along with pumping often, this tea has helped to increase my supply after returning to work. I tried fenugreek tablets, took the maximum dosage (12 tablets daily for the brand I purchased), and it did nothing. Lactation consultant said that for some people, the combination of herbs found in the tea is more effective than a single herb.
I had a very hard time w/ my supply when I returned to work, but am determined to continue nursing. Here is what has helped:
1. Drinking this tea. I need to drink 4-5 cups a day for it to be effective. I just boil a pot of water in the morning, steep 5 bags for 15 minutes, and then drink the prepared tea throughout the day.
2. Pumping at least 3 times per day, either instead of nursing or 30 minutes after nursing.
3. Bringing pictures of the baby to work (not sure why this helped... maybe hormones?).
Good luck!
"Works for me.." 2009-03-09
By Valencia (Philadelphia)
I was pumping and bringing home abt 15-16oz a day then literally overnight my supply decreased to 6-8oz a day. Trying to pump when I got home wasn't working out! I was upset and frustrated thinking that I couldn't feed my baby; and I really didn't want to resort to formula. I tried drinking more water, eating more oatmeal..nothing seemed to work. So a friend recommended Mother's Milk and my milk has INCREASED!!! I started Friday night and I now have that FULL feeling again. It's Monday morning now and about 11:30 - pre-Mother's Milk I would have pumped abt 2-3oz. in one's Milk 6oz in one session. Now the taste to me...a combinations of dirt and licerious, it's awful! But I would drink mud if it would help my milk supply! My little one is 6 months now and I trying to make it to her first b-day. Hopefully this review will sway you to at least try it, it does work!
"The best 'help"" 2010-03-03
By Anna (IL, USA)
I'm mother of twins and without this tea I wouldn't be able to get enough milk to feed them both. I drink 4 cups a day for 5 months already and my milk supply is stable. I am pumping every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours during the night. Before that tea I was getting 3oz from 1 pumping session, with that tea I am getting between 7oz to 8oz of milk. The highest number was 10oz :-)
Monday, October 25, 2010

Timothy's World Coffee, Cinnamon Pastry for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) Review. Sweet, Spicy, Delicious...
"***My Morning MUST HAVE!***" 2008-10-17
Timothy's World Coffee L-cups Cinnamon Pastry is my current favorite flavor! Tastes like you're nibbling on a fresh warm cinnamon roll but NO calories!:):) Mmmmm SO relaxing and aaahaaa moment! You must try this one...but warning it may become YOUR FAV also!
"Absolutely the Most DELICIOUS Flavored K-Cup of ANY of the Brands" 2009-01-13
By M. Ramer (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
I have been a Keurig and K-Cup user for over 5 years. I think it's safe to say I've tried every brand and just about every K-Cup flavored coffee on the market. BY FAR, this was the most delicious and is absolutely my favorite coffee right now. It actually tastes like a cinnamon pastry and each morning as I drink my coffee I can't help but think that I'm drinking some fattening desert. I actually add a vanilla flavored soy cream (silk) to the coffee. It makes for a creamy, delicious treat. No sweeter is necessary after the silk is added. FABULOUS!
"Simply The Best" 2008-11-13
By E. Cordes (New Jersey, USA)
This is my FAVORITE coffee of all times. I'm challenging Timothys to beat it LOL ;)
Seriously... if you like cinnamon your going to flip for this coffee.
"Awesome flavor...and I'm very picky!" 2008-12-16
By Angela Bridges (Wylie, TX USA)
I had never tried Timothy's brand until I bought this box of Cinnamon Pastry. It is very delicious! I am usually very picky about coffee flavors because I don't like the taste of regular coffee. I won't drink it unless it has a lot of flavor and this was exactly what I was looking for. I normally buy Gloria Jeans Cinammon Mocha but I think I am going to start buying more of this Timothy's brand because it tastes so much richer and with more flavor.
"Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry k-cups" 2009-06-22
By J. Moreau (N.H.)
Absolutely DELICIOUS coffee, like drinking a honey bun. Very good pricing on Amazon and Timothy's definitely has my vote as the best flavor of all brands I've tried. This one is definitely an auto-ship flavor. I would prefer to be able to buy the 2 cases in different flavors though, instead of 48 cups of the same flavor.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Pampers Sensitive Thick Care Wipes Refill, 180-Count Pouches (Pack of 4) (720 Wipes) Review. Get gentle cleansing with our best-cleaning Sensitive wipe. Sensitive ThickCare Wipes cleanse gently for your new baby’s comfort and are 20% thicker than our regular sensitive wipes.* Clinically proven mild to help maintain your baby’s skin, hypoallergenic and perfume free.*based on stack height...
"Best Wipes Ever!" 2009-05-29
By E. Hopper (Nebraska)
I love these wipes. They are very moist and get everything in one or two wipes. I also love that when you put them in the wipe container, they really do come up just one at a time! That way your not wasting time trying to just get the one wipe you wanted and wrestling with the baby to stay still. These are the only wipes I will be buying from now on!!!
"Pampers Sensitive Thick Care Wipes-Best wipes out there!" 2009-09-24
By R. Hill (Twin Falls, ID USA)
I love these wipes! My daughter had super sensitive skin when she was first born and these were the only wipes I found that wouldn't give her a rash. She's not as sensitive now that she's 8 months, but even though I "could" use something else on her now, I don't. I tried using Huggies wipes again once her rash issues cleared up because I could get them for less at Costco, but after using these for several months, I discovered I couldn't go back to the Huggies. These feel so much softer and more cushy, but the thing that really hooked me is how well they clean!! I don't feel like I have to scrub my baby's bum to get everything off! Great product!
"My favorite Wipes" 2010-04-19
By Tara Peterson (Washington, DC)
These are by far my favorite wipes. I used them on my daughter since she was born and have not found anything else like them. They clean very easily and make my daughters skin really soft and smooth. Tried a different brand to save money one time and would never do that again. Highly recommended!
"Great wipes. We've used this brand since our daughter was born." 2010-04-26
By JKH (Nashville, TN)
Great, durable wipe. It does the job and does not irritate the baby's skin. We've used them for our daughter for over a year now and find them to be the best. Also,'s price is very good.
"Love the thick wipes" 2010-07-13
By D. Hrzic (McLean, VA USA)
We always use the sensitive wipes and since I found these thick wipes I really love them so much more than the non-thick version. These wipes are great. It's the only kind I will buy. Tried many other brands and types.